Samaritan’s Purse

As a Catholic Healthcare System, we are called to live out our Mission within our work, within our community and within our world. As the crisis continues in Ukraine, the Saint Francis Foundation is encouraging those who are able to donate to the Samaritan’s Purse fund below to help with relief efforts in Ukraine.

Zenon Duda, DPM, Cape Girardeau podiatrist, is a Ukranian-American with family members facing crisis in Ukraine. “My family members have been directly affected by this,” he shares. “Some of them have had to move and have had their belongings stolen. Their small city is being bombed periodically as well.”

Zenon Duda, DPM and family member

Through the crisis, Duda has been able to remain in contact with his family and friends still in Ukraine. “I’ve been helping a friend who is running a United Nations affiliated refugee center on the border of Ukraine and Romania for village people, mountain people, farmers and more,” Duda says. The organization has turned hospitals and schools along the border into housing until families can be placed further west into Europe.

The problem, Duda says, is getting aid to the smaller communities. “The roads have been bombed out – roads, bridges and a lot of areas – so distribution has been an issue. My niece called and asked me to mail something directly, but there are a lot of logistical issues preventing that as well.” With the distribution issues, donating directly to organizations actively helping Ukrainians is of utmost importance.

Since March 14, Samaritan’s Purse has been operating an Emergency Field Hospital on the outskirts of Lviv, Ukraine, to provide medical relief to displaced Ukrainians, along with two 24-hour medical clinics at a train station and bus station in major Ukrainian cities. The organization recently began a fourth medical operation, an Emergency Outpatient Clinic, to meet the medical needs of southern Ukrainians. Through partner churches, Samaritan’s purse continues to provide food, water, hygiene kits, blankets, winter clothing and other important items directly to refugee families.

Samaritan’s Purse is a nondenominational evangelical Christian organization inspired by the story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:30-37), calling Christians to help those in need wherever it is needed most. Samaritan’s Purse provides spiritual and physical aid to victims of war, poverty, national disasters, disease and famine.

You can make a difference in Ukraine by donating to the Samaritan’s Purse fund through the Saint Francis Foundation, below. The donations will directly aid and benefit those suffering through the ministry of Samartian’s Purse. The Saint Francis Foundation will match up to $5,000 in donations collected through the month of April.

Please join us in continued prayer for the people of Ukraine.